Onderhandelen in Crisistijd.
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Kostenloos Advies
Advice on complex negotiation puzzles?
Are you taking part in a complex, 'multi-party' (negotiation)process and aren't you able - or willing - to facilitate this? We can take it over from you. We facilitate the process from the beginning until the end. If there are any emotional tensions, the process takes the form of mediation. In any situation, we help to solve the conflict together constructively. Of course there is one condition: a positive intention of all parties.
Often we are brought to the table by one party, after which we align our participation with all other parties. With a tailored process we aim at restoring the relation and finding lasting solutions. We use the Harvard principles of negotiations as the foundation of this approach.
Vanaf vandaag bieden wij, voor iedereen die daar behoefte aan heeft, Onderhandelingsadvies in Crisistijd.
Tot 1 juni 2020 bieden wij deze dienst kostenloos aan, zonder voorwaarden en, uiteraard, met volledige inachtneming van de vertrouwelijkheid van jouw casus.
Facilitation and Mediation
Are you taking part in a complex, 'multi-party' (negotiation)process and aren't you able - or willing - to facilitate this? We can take it over from you. We facilitate the process from the beginning until the end. If there are any emotional tensions, the process takes the form of mediation. In any situation, we help to solve the conflict together constructively. Of course there is one condition: a positive intention of all parties.
Often we are brought to the table by one party, after which we align our participation with all other parties. With a tailored process we aim at restoring the relation and finding lasting solutions. We use the Harvard principles of negotiations as the foundation of this approach.
Facilitation and Mediation
Are you taking part in a complex, 'multi-party' (negotiation)process and aren't you able - or willing - to facilitate this? We can take it over from you. We facilitate the process from the beginning until the end. If there are any emotional tensions, the process takes the form of mediation. In any situation, we help to solve the conflict together constructively. Of course there is one condition: a positive intention of all parties.
Often we are brought to the table by one party, after which we align our participation with all other parties. With a tailored process we aim at restoring the relation and finding lasting solutions. We use the Harvard principles of negotiations as the foundation of this approach.
Facilitation and Mediation
Are you taking part in a complex, 'multi-party' (negotiation)process and aren't you able - or willing - to facilitate this? We can take it over from you. We facilitate the process from the beginning until the end. If there are any emotional tensions, the process takes the form of mediation. In any situation, we help to solve the conflict together constructively. Of course there is one condition: a positive intention of all parties.
Often we are brought to the table by one party, after which we align our participation with all other parties. With a tailored process we aim at restoring the relation and finding lasting solutions. We use the Harvard principles of negotiations as the foundation of this approach.
Advice on complex negotiation puzzles?
Om jou goed te helpen en aan de juiste adviseur toe te wijzen hebben we een korte omschrijving van je casus nodig, liefst inclusief wat jij ziet als jouw centrale uitdaging of dilemma. Je hoeft geen 'namen en rugnummers' te noemen. Uiteraard behandelen we jouw casus strikt vertrouwelijk.
We zijn ook telefonisch te bereiken op 035-6288899. Zolang er maatregelen i.v.m. corona van toepassing zijn, is er waarschijnlijk niemand aanwezig. Je wordt echter wel teruggebeld.