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Virtual Collaboration

We unnecessarily lose a lot of job satisfaction, creativity and connection in the new normal of working together remotely. Fortunately, there is still a world to be won through real contact, inspiring working methods and more inclusiveness.

More working from home is and remains the new normal...


And so employers have to think a step further than buying a good office chair and a second screen. Online consultation, brainstorming and negotiation must become more productive and, above all, more connecting. Under the "intelligent lockdown", the boss could still hide behind #crisis : "it takes some getting used to for all of us". But  Online consultation will remain for a large part the  norm. Want  we  no mutinous or burnt-out colleagues on the other side of the screen, then we must acknowledge this first:


  • The Medium is the Message : we feel, think and act differently online. The same approach as in the office is therefore not sufficient.

  • The disadvantages of online - including less connection and trust, more distraction and the major energy leak (zoom fatigue) - are well known, but we largely determine the extent to which they are harmful.


RoutsLaeven onderhandelen online virtuee


Online in Connection

Inspire your colleagues about how virtual meetings can be more fun, productive and healthier


Online Collaboration in Complex Situations

Learn with your team how to seize the opportunities and tackle the challenges of online collaboration. 

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Webinar Online in Connection

What can you expect?

This one hour interactive webinar is about connecting remote collaboration . People online are central instead of technology. Since the Corona crisis, online consultation has become the new normal... This offers new opportunities but also new challenges and frustrations. Because what are the biggest pitfalls of online consultation? What can you do to avoid them and take advantage of the opportunities? And which creative forms of consultation do you still need to introduce into your team meeting today?

Online Frustration and Opportunity Meter

In the webinar we share the state of affairs in your organization via the Online Frustration and Chance Meter with which we collect input from you and your colleagues in advance. Because what exactly are the experiences in your organization after  working remotely for months? And... we provide new insights and methods that you can immediately apply in your next video meeting.

What can you expect?

  • The seven principles of the Harvard method , focused on virtual collaboration with multiple parties.


  • The control of the process of the constructive negotiation / co-operation, especially if it takes place at a distance.


  • How do people influence each other (consciously and unconsciously)? The medium is the message , right  in virtual collaboration. What are the differences with working together in the same space, what are the advantages of online collaboration and how do you ensure that parties take a constructive position?  


  • Relational Dynamics . Lack of trust and 'difficult' emotions can hinder the process, whether they arise from different – expressed or not – images and expectations, from (power) games and/or cultural differences.


  • Creativity: how do you create the conditions for this, even if you can't physically come together.


Examples of practical questions that will be discussed:

  • How can we better prepare ourselves for a collaboration, even if it takes place (partly) online?


  • How do you deal with emotions and relational tension?  


  • How do you build trust and at the same time stay sharp on the facts?


  • Which pitfalls should you avoid by email, app or telephone?  


  • What dangers and benefits are there unknowingly during a video conference?  


  • How do you help yourself and other parties out of an impasse?  


The underlying principles of the Harvard method are just as applicable offline as they are online. The core of what you learn online can therefore also be applied 'face-to-face'.

training samenwerken in complexe projecten


Online Collaboration in Complex Situations

In this training you will learn to combine the principles of the Harvard method of constructive negotiation with the ins and outs of virtual consultation, internally and externally. You come together in live sessions and in between you do exercises in smaller groups. You will receive extensive individual feedback from the trainers.


Online Collaboration in Complex Situations is not a course (in which you absorb knowledge) but a training in which you practice with new skills, in challenging practice situations.  We invite you to critically examine your own behaviour, supported by personal feedback from the trainers. 

The blended learning g  approach to the program  offers many opportunities to apply your new insights and skills in your daily practice. With success and sometimes with a stumble, because that too is part of the learning process.

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training online samenwerken

What does it bring?

  • You experience a more effective influence - especially with increasing pressure and tension, both 'offline' and online;

  • You learn to adequately prepare yourself and your team and to take into account the online environment "as the 12th player" on the field;

  • You become more skilled in dealing with emotions, games, pressure, stalemate and conflict situations. You learn how you can restore relational tensions, even with pronounced 'difficult' partners, and which virtual channels are best used for this;

  • You learn to manage a process in which parties find creative solutions together and bridge differences on the basis of reasonableness;

  • You learn and practice with different methods that create and maintain online connection.


After each training, we gauge the results for the participants. At RoutsLaeven we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If at the end of the training you are not satisfied with the results, we will refund your investment.

Take the next step...

Want to inspire and motivate your colleagues by rethinking working from home and online consultation? Want to inspire your team leaders to approach meetings via Zoom, Webex or Teams in a completely different way?  We are happy to discuss the options with you.


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